日本AXXZIA venus recipe 曉姿SP限量特別版白肌飲 50ML*10/ BOX
This product is currently sold out.
※ "維納斯食譜白氨基飲料"的銷售累計從2018年2月到2019年7月自己公司調查
※3 V.C,V.E,煙酸,V.B1,V.B6,泛酸Ca,V.D,V.B12
※4 serepuron,海地開抽出物,pomanokkusu
商品說明 | |
商品名稱 | akushijiavinasureshipihowaitoaminozudorinku SP/AXXZIA Venus Recipe White Aminos Drink SP |
內容量 | 500mL(*10部50mL) |
原材料 | 膠原蛋白肽,還原飴糖,艾利扒手索爾,麥芽抽出物,酵母抽出物,石榴果實抽出物,美國抽出物,貨物葉子抽出物/檸檬酸,鎮靜劑(大豆多糖類),V.C,L-亮氨酸,L-谷氨酸鈉,L-精氨酸,甜調味品(asesurufamu K,三氯蔗糖),香料,L-胱氨酸,V.E,乳化劑,煙酸,L-脯氨酸,V.B1,V.B6,泛酸Ca,V.D,V.B12(包括一部分大豆、膠在內) |
穿的上升的方式 | 請在大致目標喝1條1天。不問攝取的時機,但是每天的入浴以後推薦就寢前面的1條。 |
使用上的警告 | ◆請有食品過敏的人不要參照之後喝原材料。 ◆根據體質、感覺,偶爾有對身體對不上的情况。這種情况,請中止飲用。 ◆在治療的方法,懷孕或者人們認為正懷孕的,整個喂奶由于疾病使用的時候,請事前對醫生或者藥劑師商談。 ◆請在嬰幼兒、兒童手夠不到的地方保存。 ◆請已經過去的產品不要喝食用期限。 ◆開封後來,請馬上喝。 ◆為了不用蓋子的切口以及凸起部受傷請注意。 ◆因為有容器損壞的情况所以請避免加熱以及冷凍,對容器的打擊。 ◆因為有內容物粘在衣服上的話難以得到的情况所以請注意。 ◆內容成分可能沉澱,但是質量沒問題。 ◆用力揮,打開的話可能有內容液飛散的事情。 ◆飲食生活主食,主菜,副菜在基本用餐的平衡。 |
發送時的捆包 | 尺寸:長7cm,寬17.6cm,高9.8cm 重量:790g |
廣告分責 | 株式會社akushijia 03-6304-5840 |
廠商 | akushijia(AXXZIA曉姿態) |
商品區分 | 美容飲料 |
生產國家 | 日本製造 |
Product Introduction
<Soft drinks>
Grapefruit flavor
"White Amino's drink" series sales total 100,000 boxes ※ supplements with the sales performance of. Such popular supplicant is, appeared to power up as "white Amino's drink SP".
Summer and beauty care shortage, with recommendations for products whole body from the inside of the body for those who want to care, domestic production of safety and security. "Drink essence" if white amino's drink that is said, can be Meguraseru the cosmetic ingredients easily to the whole body, it can be beauty and health of total care. Pull out the glow from the inside of the body, and prepares the beauty and health of the condition in the selection of material that more power up.
Put the thought that want to send a "prescription to such beauty of the goddess" to the customers, and beauty was the theme of health supplements series "Venus recipe" is realized inner care for the beautiful in the continued easy beauty habits and, I support a woman's beauty life.
Systemic care of you spent the summer from the inside. The whole body, not only from the outside for those who want to care
● Venus recipes White Amino's drink SP (vitamins and amino acid-containing processed foods) "100,000 boxes topped Anniversary Special Edition"
Haste to shine in the beauty solution without water simple drink type charge! 4 kinds of amino acid ※ 2 to support the "healthy body", and eight of the vitamin component ※ 3 to support the "shining beauty", three of the carefully selected natural ingredients ※ 4 to fulfill the "sparkle to regain" compounding.
[Renewal point]
● 2 kinds of yeast extract
Maintain a youthful addition to the "Haiti on extract", adding the two kinds of yeast extract. Increase the body of rhythm "Serepuron", formulated the "Pomanokkusu" us to a beautiful strong reducing action is the whole body from the inside.
● it has been said that there is a refreshing effect since ancient times "Kayo extract"
It leads in the active support raw materials to the ideal beauty body, activate the body.
● cosmetic ingredients up! Protection component from the inside "Phyto Sera amide"
It protects the body from the inside, blending the vegetable ceramide "Phyto Sera amide" obtained from rice.
● significantly up to 50ml from capacity 20ml! Moreover calories 19kcal / 1 This low-calorie peace of mind!
※ sales total 2018 February to 2019 July, their examine of "Venus recipe white Amino's drink."
※ 2 leucine, glutamic acid, arginine, proline
※ 3 V.C, V.E, niacin, V.B1, V.B6, pantothenic acid Ca, V.D, V.B12
※ 4 Serepuron, Haiti on extract, Pomanokkusu -
Product Use
Please enjoy one by one day as a guide. The timing of the intake does not matter, but I recommend one of before or after, going to bed every day of bathing.
Materials / Ingredients
Collagen peptide, reduced starch syrup, erythritol, malt extract, yeast extract, pomegranate fruit extract, rice extract, Kayo extract / citric acid, stabilizer (soybean polysaccharide), VC, L- leucine, L- sodium glutamate, L- arginine, sweetener (acesulfame K, sucralose), perfumes, L- cystine, VE, emulsifiers, niacin, L- proline, V.B1, V.B6, pantothenic acid Ca, VD, V.B12 (part including a soy-gelatin)
500mL (50mL × 10 pieces)